Sorting through your pregnancy options can be challenging, so you need accurate information to make the best decision. Consider your personal beliefs about options like abortion and ensure you receive the facts.

We’ll discuss the facts surrounding both abortion and adoption in this blog. Remember, this is your pregnancy decision. No one has the right to pressure you into making a choice you don’t feel comfortable with. 

How Does Abortion End a Pregnancy?

Of all the pregnancy options, abortion is the only option that terminates a viable pregnancy option. There are two main abortion procedures in the United States: medical abortion and surgical abortion. 

Medical abortion is performed within the first 70 days of pregnancy. Two medications, mifepristone and misoprostol, work together to block progesterone and expel the pregnancy tissue from the uterus. The most common side effects of medical abortion are abdominal cramping and vaginal bleeding, though there is a small risk of complications such as heavy bleeding or infection. 

Surgical abortion is usually carried out during the later stages of pregnancy. The most common procedure is dilation and curettage (D & C), which combines medications, surgical instruments, and/or a suctioning technique to remove the pregnancy tissue. Side effects are similar to medical abortion, with bleeding and cramping possible, but the further along the woman is, the greater the risk of complications. 

Abortion is a big decision that can have lasting physical and emotional impacts. Before choosing this option, you’ll want to receive an obstetric ultrasound to protect your health and verify pregnancy details like viability, gestational age, and location of the fetus. This scan ensures that your pregnancy is healthy and gives you insight into whether you can have an abortion procedure. 

Azar House offers free, limited obstetrical ultrasounds after a positive pregnancy test at our center. 

Is Adoption a Solid Option for Me?

When people think of adoption, many things may come to mind. Some may wonder how someone could ever place their child with another family. But adoption is a courageous and beautiful option for many. Birthmothers can rest easy knowing their children are with adoptive families who deeply love and care for them. 

A lot about adoption has changed. If you choose this option, you’re in control. You can select the adoptive family and play a significant role in the entire process. You are often eligible to receive financial, material, and emotional support. What’s more, you’ll never have to pay for adoption services. 

The three main adoption plans include:

  • Open adoption: With this option, you can build a relationship with the child and adoptive family through regular communication. You set the terms and fully participate in the process. 
  • Semi-open adoption: This plan allows communication, but any contact is carried out through a third party, like an adoption attorney or agency. 
  • Closed adoption: Closed adoptions ensure that your identity remains anonymous. There is no communication with the adoptive family, and all records are sealed. 

Sometimes, those seeking adoption for their child don’t know where to start. That’s where pregnancy centers like Azar House come in. We’ll discuss the ins and outs of adoption and connect you to resources that will help you along this journey. 

Start Planning Your Next Steps

We know this decision can be overwhelming, so we’re here to help. Contact Azar House today to learn more.

You will never have this day again, so make it count.