Researching your options after a past abortion can be difficult. No matter your reasons for not wanting another abortion, your feelings are valid, and other options are available.

Abortion is the only option that terminates a pregnancy, so choosing parenting or adoption will mean carrying your pregnancy and giving birth. However, the outcomes differ – one may provide what you’re looking for. 

Azar House will help clarify your pregnancy options and educate you on the services available if you select parenting or adoption. Non-judgmental pregnancy support is closer than you think; make a free and flexible appointment today. 

Could I Be a Parent?

Parenting can be challenging, especially if you currently lack the resources needed to raise a child. But more support is available than you may realize. 

Asking yourself these questions can help determine what you’d need to parent your child:

  • Can I provide a suitable home environment for my child?
  • Will the baby’s father be involved?
  • Do I have a support system in place?
  • Do I have a stable source of income?
  • Can I financially, physically, and emotionally provide for a child? What resources would I need to help me parent?
  • When I think about parenting, what am I most excited and/or worried about?

While this option doesn’t come with a roadmap, various resources can help make parenting a reality. Azar House offers free parenting and prenatal classes, material aid through our Earn While You Learn program, and additional support to ensure you’re as prepared as possible. 

No one has the right to make a pregnancy decision for you. We provide unbiased information and resources if this option best fits your needs.

Is Adoption the Best Choice?

Adoption can be an emotionally complex decision. It may be difficult to understand how placing your child with another family can be the best choice. But if you feel you can’t parent your child or if there are safety concerns, adoption may provide the peace of mind you seek. 

Adoption allows you to select the adoptive parents and determine a plan that best suits your preferences. This is your choice, and you should never be pressured into making an adoption plan for your child.

As the birth mother, you can choose from the following plans:

  • Open adoption: Your child will know who you are and your role in their story. You can communicate regularly with your child and their adoptive family through letters, phone calls, visits, and more. 
  • Semi-open adoption: With this plan, you’ll have contact with the adoptive family, but it’s mediated through a third party (like an adoption attorney or agency).
  • Closed adoption: A closed adoption provides the most confidentiality. All identifying records are sealed, and you won’t know the adoptive family.

It can be challenging to know whether adoption is right for you, but you don’t have to find information alone. We can discuss adoption, provide the resources needed to make an informed decision, offer referrals, and more.

You Have Options

Making a pregnancy decision can be stressful, which is why you deserve the facts and a nonjudgmental environment to weigh your options.

Contact us today to schedule a free appointment. We’re here for you.

You will never have this day again, so make it count.